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Crit bikes

I was told on the last clubrun to get a slightly cheaper bike (currently dogma) if i wanted to do crit racing due to lots of crashes. Any recommendations for a cheaper race bike that corners well?


  • edited August 2017
    I wouldn't bother if I were you unless you have cash to spare... you'll probably always race on your best bike, otherwise you'll end up thinking "if only I had my deep section wheels in when I was in that break" etc.

    However, if you are going to ride a cheaper bike you can't really go wrong with the cannondale CAAD series or a kinesis aithein. Lightweight alloy and decent race geometry, not to spenny either with the kinesis around £550 for a new frameset...

    As long as you're not on a penny farthing I'm pretty sure most road bikes that you can get your head down on all go round corners too.
  • Yeh i guess - just have to hope i stay upright!
  • I'm sure you'll be fine. Stay near the front if you can, it's safer up there than hanging around the back of the bunch.
  • The Alloy technology has improved so much that the Cannondale CAAD 12 or Kinesis Athein are as good if not better than most Carbon frames.

    I had a Bowman Palace (Alloy) and can't recommend it enough. Better than any carbon frame I have ridden and £695 for the frameset. British company and don't have the horrendous BB30 bottom bracket of the Cannondale.

    Check them out online
  • I have heard good things about them so great to hear - ill have a look into one
  • The Bowmans look lush too!
  • If you're interested I'll be selling my Specialized Tarmac 54cm team bike from this year at cost price. They are £2700 RRP. 2017 model, bright red/orange, full Ultegra. Great bike
  • Doubt ill be able to afford it but thanks anyway
  • Have to see what i get for my student loan!!!
  • Just insure your bike, and race your good one! The insurance I've had through BC has been brilliant, covers crits and have payed up no quibble on a few occasions - bizarrely always my front wheel! With insurance you can race without the worry of funding the replacement of your nice bike!! Doesn't cover skin suits though!!!!
  • Talking of skinsuits I have all sizes in stock. Let me know if you need an Ashwell one Jamie.
  • A few things worth pointing out...

    Full Gas are running their winter crit series again this year at the LVVP. There's a new format, with alternating races every week: joint Cat 3/4 race one week, then a separate 3 and 4 race the other week. And women's race every other week too. Jamie: the separate Cat 4 race may be the best way to points.


    Remember, outside of any official event, anyone can rock up to the LVVP and pay a fiver or so to ride the road race circuit and hone your skills. We should do a winter CCA trip there or something.

    Then note, Welwyn Wheelers will be running their weekly 'Road Bikes on the Track' sessions every Wednesday from around mid/late Sept. Great workouts, skills training and cover all sorts of road race and crit skills too. More details here;


    Note, the lead coach needs to approve your bike handling skills to join the session.

    Finally, there's still a few Cat 3/4 road races around this season in the ERRL and CRRL leagues. If anyone goes in for one: let the forum know and see if other CCA are doing the same. I think there's a few in for the Maldon and King's Lynn ones in October.
  • I'm tempted with crit racing this winter. Being the first winter on just the bike and not tri, i cant get excited about a winter of turbo training.
  • Wow thanks for the tips - ill deffo look into insurance - been looking at the big events cat 4 at hog hill/redbridge on the 9th/16th.
    Away next week but the week after I wont have to go back to school so i might be able to go down to lea valley or redbridge and have a spin in the daytime if its a bit quiter
    Still need to get my race license aswell
    Thanks for all your help
  • Martin ohh that wednesday session looks interesting. Clashes with cx? Is it definitely going to be on this year? Every Weds through 'winter'?
  • Yes Nat: I spoke to Richard M about them: they're definitely on this winter. Last year they ran through til I think about March. Keeping up with the welwyn yoof element - or trying to - is very good training indeed. Clash with CX? Not sure what you mean. Mix it all up a bit?

    Road Bikes on the Track sessions - RBOT - details from last year probably remain for this year;

    Road Bikes on Track: Wednesdays 7 – 9pm

    This is an Open session the aim of which is:

    To develop the Road Racing skills and to increase and maintain riders’ fitness levels in preparation for the racing season

    Preference will be given to Welwyn Wheelers members if the sessions are oversubscribed

    Eligibility Criteria:

    Adults, Junior and Youth A riders are eligible for the session, subject to the final approval by the lead coach.

    Youth B Riders, who are members of the club, can be invited to attend by agreement from one of the Welwyn Level 2 Road Coach, prior to the day of the session.

    All riders should have British Cycling (BC) membership with a Race Licence

    Riders who do not currently race/ have a license must have approval to attend the session by a Welwyn Level 2 Road Coach.

    Other Criteria:

    All bikes should be well maintained and suitable for racing. ie: No saddle bags/ pumps
    Cameras/ Go Pros will not be allowed. If Garmins are fitted and are deemed to be a distraction whilst riding the coach may require them to be removed

    It is expected that all riders will have experience of riding their bikes at speed and in close proximity to other riders.

    All riders will conduct themselves safely with the safety of others and themselves paramount. Should one of the Coaching Team identify dangerous riding or conduct which falls below that stipulated by the BC Code of Conduct for riders, they will be required to leave.

    Should the level of fitness fall significantly below that of the group present, the rider will be asked to leave the session.

    The sessions start at 7pm and include a warm up for all riders. Riders who are deemed to be unacceptably late will not be permitted to join the session

    The sessions finish at 9pm. Prior to this time there is a warm down and debrief of the session

    The lead coach for the session will have absolute discretion over whether a rider can attend a session.

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