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1st and 2nd Claim Members

Sophie has been approached about joining a cycling team. Can anyone advise on what the club rules are about becoming a second claim member? Could she still take part in the chain gangs in the summer? Could she come to the occasional roller session? I know she cannot ride out on club rides as she is still too young (at 15) so this is less of an issue, but it would be useful to know what she could still do with the club before we make any decisions about moving her.


  • Hi Clare. Can completely understand how Sophie could now benefit from being on a team. As a second claim member she can take part in almost anything the club offers, no problem. The only difference is that she would race for her first claim club and wouldn't qualify for any CCA awards.

    I think we have on occasion gone with a first claim only rule on some oversubscribed sessions such as Wednesday CX, but don't think that would affect Sophie.

    Also, she certainly can come out on club rides just needs someone to look out for her and make sure she isn't left in the middle of nowhere, not that she would be in danger of getting dropped!
  • Haha...good response Tim. I can think of a few good riders would have a job keeping up with Sophie now. We always intended an inclusive policy Claire and that means accepting 2nd claim recognising that some riders need to progress with a team. Wonderful opportunity for her.
  • Just a clarification on on the youth coaching sessions. These are only open to first claim members and this includes the Eastern Track School nominations. This is mainly because we have a waiting list for most youth sessions so it would be unfair to have second claim members or non members taking up places. There is of course plenty of room at the roller sessions at the moment so we can relax the rule there.
  • Thanks for that. I may press forward with this then and set up a meeting with the team manager. It's certainly a great opportunity for Sophie.
  • edited December 2017
    It is my observation that CCA is very welcoming of members of other local clubs joining in activities without insisting they join as second claim (eg club runs, time trials and chain gangs). Presumably we are offered similar courtesy if we wanted to join in with others locally. I guess this raises the questions of why have second claim at all and what does it actually mean?

    Interestingly things are much more official in Cumbria where some clubs insist you take out a temporary 1month membership to ride an evening 10. Guess there is some sort of middle ground but in the case of CCA it appears largely reliant on the individual volunteering to take out 2nd claim membership.

    FYI - I am a second claim member.
  • I pay for second claim membership as I want to be 'part' of the club and lets face it, £15 is not going to break the bank. £15 just to ride the grass track, let alone benefit from the coaching etc is a bargin!! As a second claim member I've been able to race the hill climb for CCA last two reasons, because my first claim team isn't CTT affiliated!

    Good luck with the race team Sophie!!
  • should read last two seasons!
  • There are pros and cons with having second claim and certainly there are plenty of other clubs locally that don't have them. We have had people joining second claim to try and get a place at things like ride London and we have had second claimers that haven't made any positive contribution to the club but by and large most of our second claimers are super people like Mitchy and Jeremy and Max and Sandra who have a connection to the club and positively contribute while being involved with other clubs for whatever reason.
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