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Wednesday skivers ride

Hi all,
In my old club we had the "skivers' ride" tradition: anyone who wasn't working on a particular weekday and fancied company on a ride would reach out to the club.

So - any work-shy skivers about on Wednesday for a nice sunny ride? 50-60k, moderate pace.

I've got the day off and intend to make the most of what's forecast to be a bright day.


  • Hey Marei welcome to the club

    You'll be happy to know this actually - funnily enough - already exists! Go figure ;)


    Someone might correct me here but I think it actually might start on the road Hodwell just a few meters away from the Three Tuns. This was the case a while ago - it might have moved to starting from the pub now. Someone will chime in!

    I believe this ride is usually quite well populated and will almost certainly be popular this week given the forecast.
  • Hi Nathaniel,
    Thanks for the welcome :awesome:
    No way! What a great tradition. Well if anyone else is planning to go on Wednesday I'm game for trying to cling on for as long as possible :chuffed:
  • Hi Mareike,

    Nathaniel's spot on. There's a regular Wednesday ride at 9.30 starting in Hodwell. Usually 40-50 miles with a cafe stop at around a 15 mph average. I can't make it this week but given the forecast there's bound to be a few out. Hope to catch up with you on a ride soon.
  • edited April 2018
    Guys and Mareike..the new website shows you meeting at the Three Tuns. I presume from the above you still meet outside Bob's house. Mareike, you should know that Bob was the main driver and co-founder of CCA and everyone who rides on a wednesday would welcome you on their ride. Have fun with the club. It needs more women. Hodwell is the road just back from the pub and loops round by the Church.
  • Thanks guys for your messages!
    I'll be there :)
  • Haven’t been for some time but when I used to get out with them this was always my favourite club run. See you a week weds.
  • I notice on the calender on the new website the Wednesday rides are listed as starting from ‘Horwell Street’ and not ‘Hodwell’ - which is the correct location.
  • Thanks everyone for a fantastic day out :)
    Great riding with you all!
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