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Tootle ladies ride - Friday 5th July

The next Tootle ladies ride will be on Friday 5th July. This will be a nice steady 10 miles or so. Meet at The Tuns at 10am. Let me or Sallie know if you'd like to come.

Tell your friends!


  • edited July 2019
    Ideal for this 'CCA Ladies Tootle' I have have my wife's steel Ladies 531 Rayleigh Mixte Bike For Sale. Fully serviced with mudguards rear carrier and rear Altura Bag £299.00 including a set-up and bike fit if required. Wide range of gears and rides well. Suit rider 5'8" +/- an inch or two. For further details see eBay item number: 233276090187 or PM me. JohnM, Royston
  • Five of us went on the Tootle ride this morning - 10 miles in glorious sunshine. We stopped by the grass track on the way back into Ashwell, and the ladies didn't take much persuading to hop on the track bikes and have a go. They were flying!

    Sallie's going to lead us a special Tootle intro session to grass track riding on Monday night, 7pm at the grass track. It would be lovely to get a few more along who maybe haven't tried track before and are keen to try it out.

    Next Tootle ride will be Friday 19th July, 10am at the Tuns, and I can do one on Saturday 20th too if anyone's interested.
  • PS - thanks for the note about the bike John, I mentioned it to the group.
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