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Introduction rides - volunteer members required

edited January 2011 in General
All CCA members -

The club is going to bring in 'Introduction Rides' - on every first Saturday of each month. The idea is to help potential new members who are perhaps a bit unsure of fitness levels or wondering whether group cycling is for them - as well as being a ride for members who simply want a leisurely ride.

The rides - as now mentioned on the Club website - will ask for a minimum fitness standard of averaging 12-14mph speed for an hour or two: whatever the group can manage really.

The Club needs volunteers to help organize each ride, keep the ride friendly and fun - and pass on tips and advice. They would start every first Saturday of a month, 9.30am on 37 Silver Street, Ashwell - the same time/place as the regular Saturday Club Runners. The idea is if no one turns up, the organizer can join the group. Or if the attendees are able enough - they can latch onto the regular club runners.

Routes? They can be suggested on the forum - a couple of ideas;
19 miles http://www.bikemap.net/route/804167
12 miles http://www.bikemap.net/route/804161

If you'd like to put yourself forward - simply put your name down on this Doodle poll;

Let's see how they go!



  • Sounds like a good thing to be doing, put my name down for a few if that's alright.
  • That's great Greg - yep - forgot to say that it's fine if people want to do more than one.
  • Cool, how will people be able to find out about these rides, is it just the website?
    The routes look good btw.
  • I have just noticed there's no ride leader for tomorrow's Introduction ride.

    If anyone fancies leading and can spare the time - let us know here on the forum.

    Also noted there's no leader for July or august.

  • i can do tomorrow, looking for a light spin ahead of the chilterns anyway so suits.

    as it happens cant do july or august though.
  • edited June 2011
    ok stef will leave it to you tomo- ignore my other post

    nice one
  • according to the doodle thing there is no-one down to lead this Saturdays introductory ride 9:30 am three tuns, Saturday 3rd Sep

    I cant do it, can someone else volunteer as we have some potential new members interested in a gentle ride
    look to the first post in this thread for details / suggested routes etc
  • edited August 2011
    I can do it.
    Have doodled.
  • Thanks Pete, much appreciated
  • A good turnout this morning of 8 riders, Daniel and myself, new riders Lisa and Jane, Michelle, Andrew and company from Julian and Fiona. All seemed to enjoy the challenge and we all came back together with 20 miles under our belts at 12.2 average. Not too bad considering the route through Guilden, Wrestlingworth, Hatley, potton and back had a few lumps along the way.

    Well done to everyone picking up new group riding skills and keeping a steady pace. Hopefully we'll see you all again on regular club rides.

    And a big well done to Michelle (a very determined Lady) who rode on to Barkway after the ride.
  • edited September 2011
    I was on the 9.30am ride this morning and was pleased to see this Introduction Ride being so well supported and I'm pleased to read that you all had a good run.

    It made me wonder, if there was enough support and interest from some of the newbies, whether they would consider getting together and organising a regular Saturday morning ride of a similar length and pace - just a suggestion.

    (Our ride this morning was about 40 miles at quite a brisk pace - which may put some of these new folk off - and this would be a big shame).

    Happy pedalling.....
  • Yes, quite agree on your thoughts John, as you say, the step up from introduction to regular rides could prove tough for some. I'm sure if enough people were interested this could become another CCA staple ride.
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