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Sunday 6th feb club run - looks a bit windy

edited February 2011 in Club runs
well looks a bit on the dangerous side to me
so I will be giving a miss
I am sure some nutters will be out though
post what you are doing

happy to meet up for a coffee / drink
if anyone up for it
12 am at the 3 tunns perhaps ?
let me know


  • hoping for the rain to blow over...if it is just windy I will be out but on the geared bike..this wind is too strong to keep up on a fixed...went out for 2 hrs on Thursday and was hard on fixed

    will be there at 9am but think the youth riders are doing cyclocross tomorrow...good luck guys
  • I'll be there.
    Went out on Friday and it was tough going, I'd take extra care if you're more 'King of the Mountains' rather than 'Lanterne Rouge' like me!
  • seems to have calmed a bit
    will look in the morning
    might join the " nutters" if not too bad
    baggse at the back :-)
  • Go south !! More hedges & small hills to act a windbreaks .

  • yes David...agree...how about heading out to Preston-whitwell-codicote-old knebworth-Aston-walkernthen back about 35 -40 miles..........start 9am??
  • I did 50 miles mostly 12 sprocket today, its not that bad! Not the weather for a fixed gear at all especially with the fast group....
  • see you at 09.30
  • Really enjoyed todays ride, quite tough going though.
    To combat the wind, I adopted the most aero position possible.
  • 9 set out , to the calls of "go west young man "
    by hinkworth " stuff this " was heard and we became 8
    a good tight peleton pushed on
    ( apart from the hills when the infirm faltered - yes me )
    up hexton hill we went , mark C on a fixed
    ( it has not got any shorter by the way )
    up st pauls we went
    time for a gel !
    two pushed on so we where 6
    turned east and that gel worked a treat
    the head wind felt like nothing at all , power surged through the legs, nothing could stop us now.
    Came to letchworth , freedom in our blood , I think we are becoming pro riders !
    one turned off we where 5
    came to baldock , caught the 2 which had to go
    ( friendly coo..ee was in order :-) )
    back to ashwell
    So the "nutters" survived and felt elated

    how was your day ?
  • turned out to be a relatively easy ride doing a minute of so on the front, plenty of roads I haven't seen before or at least don't remember! Couldnt resist going down hexton and headed home via gravenhurst and clophill for 80 miles. My last outing with you guys before the racing season starts, thanks for letting me tag along :)
  • I passed you all in the opposite direction approaching Henlow Camp.

    I had just done a similar route to you but in reverse with the added delight of a swift descent down Sundon hill.

    With a tailwind I was easily doing 28mph during my intervals. Easily and 28mph don't often appear together when discussing my cycling exploits.

    Early enough to get back to see my lad's team make it through to the county cup final.

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