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Just How Stupid can they get

edited February 2011 in General
Ill cyclist Riccardo Ricco will be investigated by Italy's anti-doping body over reports he performed a blood transfusion on himself.

It has been reported, though, that doctors had informed the authorities that Ricco had admitted to injecting blood he had been keeping for 25 days.

"He risked not seeing the light of day," the source said, adding that Ricco had the symptoms of unsafe self blood transfusion. The source said doctors had informed local prosecutors about the case.

You would think that given all the attention,testing,strengthened regulations riders would have got the message. This is doing nothing but harm to a great sport...


  • 25 days ! Not even Beetroot juice keeps that long...
  • edited February 2011
    What a tool. Agree with the sentiments Geoff.

    Edited to say: word on the grapevine is he will need a liver transplant.
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