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Saturday 20th July extended club ride *** 9am start ****

Thought we should take advantage of the nice weather tomorrow and do a bit of a longer club ride. Let's start a bit earlier too so we get the best of the day.

Couple of options:

St Ives 60 mile loop - Stop at the Stove or a slight deviation to the new improved Bean theory


or an even longer 80 mile jaunt to Harrold-Odel out to when Bedfordshire/Buckinghamshire and Northampton meet up


Let me know which one you would like to do !

See you in the morning


  • We did something similar to the St Ives loop last week...
    I'm happy to do either, but would like to know in advance - if we do Harrold- Ode, I'll drive over.
  • To hot for me to do the long route, but any one doing it have a good ride.
  • Same as Alan...
  • Ok let's do the Harold route. There is a cutoff at mile 31 which will make it the same as a std club ride for anyone who doesn't want to do the whole lot (or if we all think it's too hot for the full route)
  • It’s ok I’ll do my own ride tomorrow, have a good day 👍.
  • Long route ok with me, I'll drive over as well. Note there are fresh chippings between Litlington and Steeple Morden, and Bassingbourn and Shingay.
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