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Track Day

edited March 2011 in General
I know that there have been vague rumblings amongst members of organizing a beginner Track day at a velodrome.
This is something that I am especially keen on having a go at and I know that others are keen too.
I don't really know how to go about organizing this though. If your interested please register your interest here and hopefully we can get the ball rolling.


  • if there are enough I will organise this day for you and do the booking......i know the track coaches, and with a bit of luck may have level 2 track and accreditation by then...if not we can use others.

    I would like to take youth novices, experienced track riders and above all some of our keen adult riders. we have a lot of potential and i can assure you all that the velodrome is a real buzz.

    It is a 3.5 hr trip each way and we need at least 2-3 hours on thetrack as we will run 2-3 groups. This gives everyone a breather between sessions and allows us to get abilities grouped together.

    It would be best to hire your bikes from the velodrome if you haven't done it before......and maybe we could hire a 17 seater coach as a way to save fuel..sharing lifts would also work.
  • Good ideas there Geoff, thanks.
    C'mon get your names down, it'll be a reet good laff!
  • edited March 2011
  • Geoff
    I am planning on giving it a go on April 9th at the first of this years Welwyn track Go-ride. Its close, you can hire a bike and should be all done by lunchtime on a Saturday.
    Please say you will do it then i have no excuse for not getting down there!
  • I'd love to give that a try.
  • Great, that's several interested already :)
    Chris, I'm assuming the apostrophe is an affirmative...
  • I would like ALL riders interested in track cycling to do those sessions at Welwyn. They will lead towards you getting track accreditation for riding on Mondays and eventually Fridays with other experienced riders on the track at Welwyn.

    The velodrome is another thing altogether. Both are exhilarating, but the closed indoor wooden 250metre track with high banking is a unique experience which has to be tried to believe.

    James...are you saying you want me down at Welwyn, or that I will arrange a later date for all in order to commit you to doing Welwyn???
  • sounds like a great idea, count me in please!!
  • Geoff, kids and I would certainly be interested. Alistair
  • Great, seems like there is plenty of interest.
  • Geoff - One step at a time for me. Ultimately i would like to ride in the pringle one day....
    If you are available to help people in the club have a go this would be greatly appreciated. I am aiming for 9th April as my first go.
  • James,
    My son & I started doing the Saturday morning 'Go Ride' sessions at Welwyn a couple of years ago, we now both race on a Friday night. They teach you starting & stopping on a fixed wheel track bike & slow riding & basic track safety/ You all start in numpty groups, so there's no pressure at all (except being shown up by a 8 year old!!!).
    After a while you progress to basic drills ( string changes, pursuit changes, ladder sprints etc). Once safe you will be given the go ahead for Monday evening training sessions. After a few of those go ok then you'll be given the ok for Friday night track league.
    The coaches are great & very helpful. There is track time for all ages & abilitues & you can hire bikes ok. The only down side is the weather that can make things a bit touch & go sometimes (is it on/off). It normally runs 9-11, so you'll be home by 12 on a Saturday.
    If you want any further details about it let me know

  • Thanks Trahern. In part reading about your exploits last year in the track league has inspired me to give it a crack. I can feel my lungs bursting already!
  • edited March 2011
    Great blog Trahern.......just to stress that Welwyn have their own coaches at Gosling and they are great.......I couldn't and wouldn't get involved on these sessions...they are run by Welwyn Wheelers for all comers to learn.......I was talking about the indoor velodromes.

    Let's be clear here....it would be good for anyone interested in track cycling to visit Welwyn and get coached in riding fired wheel track

    We can offer you a series of coaching sessions on fixed wheel grass track in Ashwell. Ours isn't banked though.

    Just to clarify Greg....which did you mean..indoor at Manchester or Newport (London eventually) or outdoor at Welwyn?
  • indoor pour moi Geoff!

    did you get a chance to price up the tufos yet?

    i left a request on the when was cca founded thread!

  • will do Chris...probably have an answer Monday
  • cheers Geoff!
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