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Friday 29th April - avoid the TV ride

edited April 2011 in Club runs
I am looking to do a ride friday 29th april
thinking of heading out " towards the coast"
for 4-5 hours and get a meal at the end
and then get collected by cars ( after the TV has finished ! )
My car can collect 4 ( one of which is me )

any interest ?
any other car drivers ?
( ie TV watchers would are then happy to come and collect )

Let me know
club run speeds
arrangements will depend on numbers interested



  • I'm up for this James please....sounds like fun
  • Count me in and can I have a space in your car please.
  • i could well be up for something, as it is also my birthday it means I get 'dealers choice' in my household and can choose my day :-)
  • Hi. Just wanted to check. You are planning to do this on Friday 29th April? I wondered if you had mistakenly thought this was easter good Friday. If the date is right i could well be up for this one.

  • yes indeed fri 29th
    some wedding going on
    my house full of cooing ladies - need to get out !
    Your employer should be giving you the day off
    if self employed no excuse - your decision
    but will need more cars if more than 4 going
    venue TBC
    but will get a meal where ever we go and wait to be collected :-)

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