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09.30 Sunday 21st ride

edited August 2011 in Club runs
09.30 3 tunns
grafton and back , so a little further
usual format
see you there


  • edited August 2011
    Assume you mean a bike ride to Grafham Water, not a shopping trip to the Grafton Centre, Cambridge? Please confirm, unless of course you have another new bike with a basket on the front.
  • Is there a shorter ride out this sunday...... I would love to join but fear id be left behind on that one...??!!

  • Clem,

    Should be a club run at 9am, run by Geoff or Tim. Normally 35-45 miles at 15-17avg.

  • is that you clem f?

    you will be fine onthat sun ride. hook up with jane- no prob

  • Geoff.

    as Tim is away, I am happy to lead the Sunday Club 9 am run to give you a break. we said maybe committee members should share, so am stepping up!

    Clem, we are as fast as our slowest- no worries!
  • Yes Grafham waters
    hate shops !
    Basket ok as long as white.
  • edited August 2011
    Thanks Chris.....we had a good ride last week and am sure Clemmie will do just fine...I'll see what is proposed for a longer ride and decide then...thanks for the option
  • let me know in advance, not on day Geoff, so i know my plans. yes or no is good.
  • you take club ride Chris...I'll sort myself out on the day...your route...your call....have fun
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