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Fancy being on telly..?!

edited August 2011 in General
We've had this email sent to CC Ashwell from a TV production company;

Hi there,

I have just come across your website and thought you might be the right people to talk to.

I'm currently working on a brand new series for SKY1 HD all about gadgets and technology and we are looking for cyclists that are up for helping us test some of the latest cycling related technology.

Might you be able to help spread the word to the members of your group? We're simply looking for those interested to get in contact and fill in an application form. It’s also worth noting we may want 3 or 4 to take part on the show together, so if there are a number of your group members who know each other and would like to apply together then that is even better. Varying abilities/experience between the group is also good for us.

Please see below for a quick blurb I have put together for this show.

Many thanks, look forward to hearing from you.



Bullseye Productions are currently looking for people to take part in a brand new SKY1 HD Series all about technology & gadgets. The show will feature a team of gadget experts, ready to address every day people’s technology based problems, queries and desires.

For one of our episodes we’re specifically looking for a group of cyclists (3-4) to help us test out some of the latest cycling related tech on the market. There will be two days filming involved one early September and another during September or October. It will be great fun, so please get in contact ASAP!

If you want to hear more about the show and to be sent an application form, please email Matt Tiller at - gadgets@bullseyetv.co.uk - with CYCLING TECH in the subject. Remember to include your names and numbers.


  • i'd give it a whirl Martin!

    bullseye- you dont get anything for two in a bed!
  • Wow, gadgets! I like gadgets!

    Should we contact independently, or do you want a list of names before replying?
  • I'd recommend sending a single email to represent everyone interested - rather than dribs and drabs. It will keep communication easy. Maybe see where this discussion gets to in the next 24 hours and then get in touch.

    It's likely they've asked other clubs - and there might be a degree of 'auditioning'/filtering.
  • I recieved this approach and returned a reply which stated we would in all likelihood be able to meet their needs...am awaiting their response so let me know and keep posting here...check out their details and I agree with Martin that a single response would be best...don't hang around though guys...it would pay to respond quickly if you really want to take part
  • Sounds good, would be interested.....
  • Sounds like fun. I'm up for representing the ladies if required

  • wow,
    man i want to do this
    represent the youth?
  • Would also be intrested :)
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