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Peterborough RR Sunday 7th Sept

edited September 2008 in Road Racing
A damp and dreary morning for the 3/4 RR from Sawtry. 58 miles 5 laps with potentially lots of standing water.
As it happens the puddles subsided, but the roads were still wet and slippy.
CCA riders were Trahern, Keith and Richard Law. Pace at first was quire slow as we were encouraged to do a 'sighting' lap to get a feeling for the conditions. - yes rain is wet!!.
There are two long drags and a short sharp hill on this course and some fast sections along bumpy roads so care was needed. On the 2nd & 3rd laps the pace increased up the drag into the wind and the pack stretched out. Poor riding left me towards to rear of the pack on the 3rd lap and a 20yd gap opened up between 5 riders and the back of the bunch. I was in the 5 and we worked well to try and pull the main pack back. As we swept around a 90 left trying to catch the bunch the front rider of 5 went down on the slippery corner and took all 4 riders out behind me included. By the time we had untangled ourselves the race had gone. Myself and 3 other riders completed another lap and then went home. Even more annoyingly I found out the riders behind my crash managed to catch the group as they slowed, so our chase would have made it back.

As I left the HQ I saw Keith with fetching white gauze on his knee. Apparently on the next lap there had been a big wobble up the first drag that had brought him down, and ended his race. Not a good morning all round. I don't know what happened to Richard and there are no results on the BC website for the race yet.

Two more races to go: Cheddington & Whitwell Lets hope we all manage to stay upright for those.



  • Richard again finished in the lead pack, he got boxed in on the sprint finish and just missed another top ten place. Thge Arlesey flyer was up and running yesterday and back in the saddle, a bit sore with white patches on his knees. See you on Sunday at Cheddington, hopefully we can stay in the saddle for the entire race and dismount the bike in the proper manner.
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