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Alberto Contador doping ban only a proposal - UCI

edited January 2011 in Club runs
either they impose or it is all a nonsense....looks bad for Armstrong too....Contador's was an infinitesimal trace, but it still measured so it was there.........can we ever really hope for a truly clean sport or should we just shrug and get on as best we can hoping the authorities keep the pressure on and promoters also as they prefer their products shown to best effect by clean cyclists


  • my personal 'dope test' is that no matter how fit the guys are, if they've given everything on one of those mountains they would tend to resemble Wiggins in the last two tours or Cav when he's killing himnself to make the time cut offs... knackered... when & if they breeze past the finish line back slapping and waving i tend to think there are other forces present???!!! Schleck & Contador on top of Tourmalet /???!!
  • Skelders I think you're right.
    If Contador was intentionally doping, which I think is highly likely, then even allowing for the fact that Shleck must be a great athlete, would a clean rider be able to finish just 39 seconds behind a doped one?
    If second place is doped up, would a clean Menchov be able to finish just two minutes and one second in third behind the two dopers...
  • I'm delighted to confirm that the CCA racing contingent is an entirely drug free outfit. Our drug of choice tends to be Jelly Babies, and you can rest assured when we/I finish a race we look considerably worse than Wiggo ever did - case proven me thinks....
  • edited January 2011
    Glad to hear it Phil... but if Mr Rowntree came over to you before a race and said 'Hey Phil, got these new improved Jelly Babies with added 'zing' guaranteed to get you over the line a touch faster' .... Would you be tempted???
    How many amateurs have said 'try this new energy drink it really works and makes you go that much quicker/longer etc?

    Is that not where it starts????

    touch paper lit ;-)

    PS - Contador doped and has done for years!!!
  • I would love to see the tour run so that riders had a chance to compete clean........they have 9 in a team so organise the routes to allow climbers,sprinters,testers,one day specialist each to have a day and rotate so that each has a natural recovery possibility...all this back to back mountain stage beggars belief....no-one can compete at that level day on day clean and not show the worst on day 2 or 3 of the same stuff......take out one severe climb per stage or increase the period of recovery from 3 days or shorten the entire tour...it cannot be done as they do and compete for the win clean.
  • i dont really agree with the "make the tour easier, then people wont dope" argument. Its absolutely possible to do back to back monster mountain stages, any one can do it. if done clean, it is just slower with much bigger gaps and more oppurtunities to completely blow up.
    Riders dope for the prestige (witness british amateurs using epo) and the money and career gains, they dont dope because the event is too hard. Or at least if it is too hard its because all the other riders are doping not the difficulty of the event itself.

    The logical conclusion of making stage races easier is to have 3 weeks of 100metre sprints everyday. If this was still the worlds biggest annual sporting event and a stage win meant a guaranteed carreer and multi million pound contract then the riders would absolutely dope. Look at all the doping in athletics. no one doped in a 100m running sprint because it was too difficult an event, they dope because they want to win.

    I dont know what the answer is, but making races like the tour easier is not it. The big tours must remain long, arduous and mountainous thats the whole point.
  • i agree with Tim...

    now, about those jelly babies...
  • Beetroot juice is the answer to everything. Apparently!
  • yes... its a natural epo :-)
  • Shame it taste`s like s**t. If only beer was the answer :(
  • probably true Tim...it's a beggar that's for sure...just have to keep improving the testing and cutting through all the delay carp.......quick and ruthless as most riders are now presumed guilty until proven innocent...100%test prior and during......probably cost prohibitive
  • …so much for the ‘infinitesimal’ trace argument. That’s what my breathalyser showed the morning after a gallon of Stella, two bottles of Red and a couple of cheeky Ports. Know what I’m saying Alberto ?
  • Guys we're looking at this all wrong. Imagine if all performance enhancing drugs became perfectly legal; then sports men and women could begin pulverizing each other in a whole new way, and then no one could be accused of cheating - sorted! Or simply compete on a diet of only Jelly Babies and Beetroot Juice - yummy....
  • we seeing you tonight buddy...8pm at the pub tuns
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