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Contador cleared of doping

edited February 2011 in General
Contador has been cleared of taking Clenbuterol and hopes to return to competition immediately.
Make of this what you will...
I reckon he had to pull a fair few strings to get off this one.


  • that's the ruling so any public statements to the contrary are libellous....that's the rules.....what one thinks privately is obviously another but that's for each individual to decide for themselves.....all I know is the substance does not and can not be generated naturally in the human body, or so I have been led to understand.
    If it was in that meat then all the team will have had a measure in their blood...not all were tested. This was if true simply stupid of the team chef to allow meat from an untested source to be used during an event...red meat at that....My view is that unless testing becomes 100% then there will always be room for doubt.
  • edited February 2011
    Thank goodness for that... for a moment there I thought he was a doper...
    at least we'll all be able to watch the greatest cheat champion ride again in this year's TDF.

  • Indeed Skelders, go Albuterol Clentador!
  • oh dear how disapointing and depressing and not really surprising. On the plus side "Albuterol Clentador" is a brilliant new name
  • The World Anti-Doping Agency has appealed to the Court of Arbitration for Sport over the lifting of Alberto Contador's doping ban in Spain.

    The three-time Tour de France champion was cleared by the Spanish Cycling Federation over a positive clenbuterol test during last year's Tour.

    The International Cycling Union (UCI) has also appealed to Swiss-based Cas.

    Sport's highest court has previously promised to rule over the Contador case before the start of this year's Tour.

    so is this at last the answer we need to hear??
  • its not very difficult either clenbuteral doped or the spanish meat industry is shamed and they insist the substance is not used and illegal in spanish meat. eitherway someone should be prosecuted. so if not clentador then the meat industry. it came from somewhere and while i wouldn't dream of slandering the poor chap it all looks just a little bit fishy as do all the doping excuses. Before i get tested on a club run i would like everyone to know that i have an unatural testosterone level and am known in intimate circles as virile vince. I inpart this just incase i need an excuse to take to press and UCI.
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