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Sunday 3rd April. Club Run pace. 9.30 start

edited April 2011 in Club runs
General thinking over coffee last week was to keep the start at 9.30 for a few more weeks, unless other thoughts prevail - let me know. Plan was also for 50 miiles this week. I know this may not be the right week to get back at around 1.00 pm as it is Mothers Day, so let me know if a shorter ride/drop off point would be an idea for some. Pace as always to suit, last weeks stats were 47 miles @ 17, if that pace was too fast for the club run also let me know. Meet at the Tuns car park @ 9.30 sunday.


  • Andy

    This is the comeback ride

    It will be my first ride over 30 miles for 18 months and only done 2 of them. So a short ride averaging about 12mph with multiple drop off points, roadside oxygen and plenty of downhill bits will be very much appreciated !!.

    Oh yea, please don't be too dissapointed if there is a ' Did not start ' cos it is lashing down.
    Some things remain the same !!

    See you at the Tuns
  • Welcome back Pete 8-)

    Will try & join u 4 an hour 2 say hi b 4 sons foot starts.
  • I will be there
    about to go out and drink to make it more difficult
  • Mothers day? 50 miles? Might be able to sneak a few miles with you before turning back to cook Sunday lunch
  • Lovely spring day, and therefore a welcome return for Pete & George. Out against the breeze to Cromer, Weston, Chesfield, Graveley, on to Redcoats Green and up Preston Hill, through to Langley and on to Kimpton, Lilley Bottom, Hexton Hill the sensible way and through to Higham Gobion, Shillington, Meppershall, Clifton, Langford, Hinxworth and home , 52.5 miles @ 16.5mph. nearly all finishing together. Looking forward to good weather (hopefully) for the rest of the summer.
  • Great ride this week
    back at 1pm as promised
    need to think about next week
    100 mile the following week ( sunday 17th )
    so may have to up the mileage to 60 ? ( sunday 10th )
    also a debate on start time
    watch the forum this week for answer

    lets hope the sunshine continues
    helps to make the bikes shine :-)

  • if longer earlier start would help James...why not all meet again at 9am. The other riders at 9am miss the chat before the ride.....the Tuns is a great meeting place..good of Bill to make it happen for us
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