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Tues Chain Gang 17th May

edited May 2011 in Chain gangs
14 out! A record? Me, Robbie, MC, Phil A, Dave, Jez, Stef, Dec, Theo, Cam, Vince, James D, Josh, Iain.

Thanks everyone for waiting for me at the start - much appreciated. Damn you First Capital Connect!

Scary moment at the Bassingbourn turn - two riders not realising it was a turn. New chain gang rule: shout out at the start if you're unsure of the route.

23.6mph for the first lap - though a moral 24 I'd say given the regrouping we had to do.
23.8mph lap two - though the sprinters at the end were probably over the 24 and clearly able to go on.

It'll be 3 lap light soon - there's likely a split into two groups for lap 3 I'd say.

Great training - a highlight of the week: we dedicate this effort to Skelders' bikes.

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