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edited May 2011 in General
today at around 1100am i was riding down the road from preston through hitch wood. as i was going down hill a slowed down for a slow van in front of me i went wide to over take it, but it oviously didn't see as when it turned into me it didnt indicate. had this been on a junction i would have waited but i turned out to be a couple of friendly scout leaders turning into the concelled wood entrance. it happened to fast for me to realise what was happening, they knew first aid and called me an ambulance. i thought i was just a bit bruised and would be better by next week but i was mortified when the doctor said it would take a mounth to 6 weeks for my broken collar bone to heel. i came back pretty depressed but i was destroyed when i found a massive bend and ripple in my pride and joy steel racer. now it is dead i can never use it agian. its not like some lifeless plastic carbon thing that could be replaced this bike was unique and can never by replaced.
if anyone has a 56-58 road bike/frame i can borrow to use on the turbo i would be so gratful. it doesnt have to be anything specisl just a crap beater will do


  • Really feeling for you buddy, I'm racing for you tomorrow
  • Theo-Saurus,

    Hope you get well soon, I had an accident that kept me out of action for some time last March, I cannot go into all of the details of what happened, but I was basically hit from behind at the Streatley Roundabout on the A6 on a perfect evening conditions wise. It left me with a suspected cracked elbow and a lot of pain and a very damaged bike.

    I recommend that if you have a BC membership that you call their accident helpline and they can take it from there for you.

    I am sorry to hear about the damage to the bike, but that is exactly how I felt, I didn't bother for my injuries, just the bike!

    I can completely sympathise with your frustrations about being off the bike for a long period of time, but I am sure you will come back stronger. I did for the back end of last season and was fortunate enough to ride with a great bunch of riders from your club for a huge portion of the Brickhills Challenge in October.

    Take care
  • All the best for a quick recovery Theo. Remember it'll still be summer when you'll be back on the chaingang - giving me a kicking!

    Total tangent: As I type this, I'm watching the Giro and someone is running in front of Contador with a fishing rod - dangling a slice of beef. Brilliant.

    Stay positive Theo! See you soon

  • have sent a mail Theo, but in case you miss that I know you will recover fast.....just don't overdo it for now...bone takes 3-7 days to put down new soft linkage and another 2 weeks to harden so don't stress it before then...just spin the legs and keep shoulder still.....you will of course be narrower on the shoulders so even more aero when fit :-)
    keep positive when you feel down...it won't be long before you are leaving us all standing again
  • SO SORRY to hear that Theo......welcome to the club of broken collar bones and cyclists...you are fit and young and will recover quicker than most...hang in there..you'll be back soon..
  • Chin up Theo, u'll b back breaking records b 4 you know it! thank goodness you're ok, cyclist & cars don't make good combinations, so to (almost) walk away is a good thing!!!
  • Theo, I hope you have a speedy recovery and that you will be back with us on Thursdays!! Take it easy for now as Geoff says and we will see you braking those records again!!!

    Good luck! :]
  • edited May 2011
    Hi Theo...

    I'm really sorry to learn of your spill,I know it sounds bad enough but thank goodness it was not worse. I was only thinking when you you did the TT a couple of weeks ago just how well you were progressing, now this happens and it was not even your fault. Wishing you a speedy recovery.....
  • thanks for all the support guys it's nice to read these coments when my collars getting me down. I'm borrowing a bike from mark wyer and hopefully i can get some compensation from the britishcycling membership
  • Dig Deep matey.

    See it as an enforced rest- stay positive and come back strong.

    You cant make an omelette without breakin eggs...so...

    ...you cant break records without breaking collar bones mwahahaha

    Come back fitter, stronger, faster!
  • So sorry to hear Theo :(

    Well done for being positive and I'm sure you'll be back sooner than you think!!

    All the best from Me, Ed Anneka and Sara.
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