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PUB NIGHT TONIGHT! no its not, just an addition to the blog!!!

edited June 2011 in Kit
The shop will be at the pub tonight if you need any bits

I have:

S.S.jerseys - XS,S,XL & XXL
L.S.Jerseys - S,M & L
Gilets - S,L, & XL
Ultra Packables - all sizes
bibs - XS,S,M,XL & XXL
And accessories - arm & leg warmers, TT shoe covers & knee warmers

The missing sizes will be delivered for next month.




  • Great turn out tonight, usual banter etc but also good sales within the shop. Will keep you all updated when the next delivery arrives, should be two weeks. Sorry James for the delay in your shorts :-( I will chase today!
  • I am looking at getting some club kit, can you give me an idea of some prices and availability, many thanks
  • let me know what you want via email and i'll let you know the costs and availability. watch out for the subject in old bloggs... could have half th club in the pub tonight ;-).


    I stock basic items and you order more specific stuff
  • I'm looking for a second hand skinsuit, if there is any in size small? If not who now does kit and where do I order a new one?
  • honestly Cam.........kit@ccashwell.com...see tag on this forum specifically on kit or look on CCA website second button on Membership and follow directions clearly laid out.......and they tell us how media and communications savvy our youth are !!! :-)...there aren't any small members with skinsuits so will need to order new I think.
  • Thanks Geoff! ;)
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