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Ashwell — Wells-next-the-Sea ride, Fri 2nd Sept 2011, 8:00am



  • Welcome on board Tony.

    We're down to Telly Savalas and Ernest Borgnine - take yer pick.
  • Errrgh, I'll bring me lolipop......
  • Hi

    Have managed to get the time off work, would love to join in if not to late.

  • Great to have you with us Gavin.

    Looks like we'll have a good group to share the effort. I'm sure the more confident riders will do more for the team on the front - to give others a bit of a breather. All for one etc.

    Hoping for decent weather. And a tailwind. Tho' will settle for cross.

    If we're lucky, along the way, MC will regale us with his Tales From Nights Out In Kings Lynn, from his youth.
  • Oh no!

    Duelling Banjos springs to mind. Squeal lke a pig!!
  • Sorry I have to pull out due to a funeral- have a good ride
  • Sorry about that Tony. Maybe next year eh?

    I thought it worth pointing out - in case anyone isn't feeling confident - there's a number of easy bail-out options to get trains back along the way.

    You can bail for Downham Market just a few miles off the planned route for about 55 miles total. And from our likely noon destination, Narborough, it's easy to navigate to Kings Lynn for about 80 miles total. There, you could park yourself in the nearest KL pub and await the rest of the group! I'll have a babycham.
  • Weather favourable at present!
  • Result......
  • Martin,

    I'm up for this as well . Sounds like fun and a good test.

  • Great Adam. It promises to be good - the weather forecast looks perfect. For this ride - and the grass track the evening before.

    I spoke to Bob on Saturday. He said he might have a go to Ely - or make the 80 mile break to Kings Lynn.

    I love it when a plan comes together.

  • edited August 2011
    Got this clip from Wells tourist info- they upgraded the chippy!

  • edited September 2011
    Here is the official 'mission patch' for Friday. Only those with the Right Stuff will end up with one of these must-haves…

  • Looks great......
  • Badges? We don't need no stinking badges

    (or 'Badgers? We don't need no stinking badgers' - a phrase I keep saying to myself whenever I'm cycling downwind of a decomposing one!)

    Actually, I'd love one and hope I can earn it on Friday

    looking forward to it.

  • got into work this morning and my boss doesn't feel like I need the day off tomorrow!!!! so unfortunately this is one Hitchin Nomad who will have to miss the ride :( Enjoy it, the weather looks fab.

  • There's even a tail wind! couldn't be better.
  • Sorry to hear that James. You might wanna upgrade to a lighter carbon fibre monocque boss. They're a bit more forgiving.

    Yup pete. I never hoped for such good conditions. We are lucky indeed.

    I spoke to Paul this arvo. He's coming too.

    See you all @ 8am
  • I want a badge
    never was a boy scout
    something about starting too many fires

  • All,

    Unfortunately I'm unable to make tomorrow. Apparently our boys fighting overseas need me to make sure they've got enough ammunition.

  • I can't make it either - other things interfering!
  • Been sat looking out of the window soooooooooo jealous of you guys. Hope you enjoyed it. James
  • edited September 2011
    Awesome day!!!

    Tucking into a curry and glass of red

    So much to remember- will leave that to Stef

    Quote of the day...

    Mick 'got any grease Geoff?'

    Fairly innocent, until you realise it was said outside the gents loo in Ely just as they were going in!!

    MC and Pete G left us in hillbilly country for their own private ride- kissin cousins- was that pigs squealing I heard?!

    Fart- flavoured crisps Vic?!

    Would not want to be in that pub in Kings Lynn at 10 pm tonight- bad enough at 5 pm!!

    When' s the next one?

  • Still grinning...great ride all.

    Curry went down a treat last night - barely touched the sides.

    Huge thanks to Martin and and big well done in particular to Bob.

  • Ditto the above, excellent day all round.

    Long way to go for £2 a pint......

    Will wear the "badge" pride.
  • Fantastic route Martin, perfect weather too -a big thanks from me for organising this ride. I enjoyed it all with the exception of my exploding Pro 3!! Thanks for everyone's patience and help sorting it out.

    Never has a a cold pint, or three, of lager tasted so good.

    Discussion amongst some of us on the train home thought that there is probably room for a few more longer, endurance rides in the club calender, perhaps once a month in the warmer months. Obviously we have a couple of century rides already, but I'm sure a couple more long days out would go down well with the masochists amongst us.

    The badge was a great touch too - haven't taken it off yet!


  • edited September 2011
    16 out! Brilliant weather. A smooth run to Ely. I think we were all surprised to find ourselves there before we knew it. It was here that Bob decided to plough on having originally thought about turning back. The conditions were too good and the pace and general orderliness of the group I think convinced him to go on. I was most impressed that Bob did it all.

    The canal side roads and Ten Mile Bank delivered the Belgiumlike conditions that some will see in a week or so. We tonked along to Hilgay and over the tricky A10 into more quiet fields and woods. We passed RAF Marham and were treated to a landing Tornado jet. and then into Narborough for our second stop. Narborough lived up to it's reputation: its only shop selling a few bottles of water and out of date cake slices. Jellybabied up we went on. Vic picked up a puncture in Pockthorpe which we enjoyed so much we decided to explode his tyre with a co2 canister near Syderstone so we could fix again. Pro3 tyres... Hmmmm.

    I am pleased to say that Bob didn't know the route we took. Something new for him. It eventually brings you to the back of Holkham Hall for a terrific long haul down the estate. Going either side of the obelisk we were doing the best pro peleton impression we could. Into Wells - James taking the village sign sprint like a thief in the night - for fish n chips and bemused day trippers. Staying time was reduced with pro3gate so only half an hour on the harbour before the return leg began.

    Understandably it was a slower time to kings lynn but we held together ok and the route does get flat after 10 miles or so.

    The peleton split at kings Lynn station: half the group heading for the platform and half heading to the beer garden of the Fenman Arms. Total 123 miles @ 16.8mph av [17.4 av to Wells / 94 miles]. I had just enough badges to dispense at the end: great turnout and camaraderie.

  • oh i do like to be beside the seaside

    an epic day out, as scouse says too much to remember and anyway what goes on tour....

    thanks to martin for the route, and keeping everyone together and happy - no mean feat over 130 miles, and the badge and great photos.

    agree with above posts, room for more destination rides in the calendar
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