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Heirarchy of gears

edited August 2011 in Club runs
I am (trying to fund) upgrading my road bike, please excuse my ignorance (or is it old age) but can someone please explain the heirarchy of gears systems. What I mean is what is the order of quality for 105, ultregra, sram force, sram red, dura ace (and any that I haven't mentioned). I appreciate that you get what you pay for and am working on that side of things but would like to get clear in my mind where each system fits in.


  • edited August 2011
    Geoff, here's a concise list of groupset hierarchies.

    Just scroll down a tad to the List of Groupsets.
  • Geoff, not regarding groupsets at all, just intereted in when you are marshalling at Biuckingham palace....if I am back in London, I may come and say Hi if I can find you!
  • Thanks for that about the Groupsets Pete just what I needed so I am looking at two bikes, same frames and wheels one has SRAM Force and the other Ultregra groupset anyones thoughts appreciated.
    Mark I am at Buckingham Palace for the Womens Elite 6.30 -1000 tomorrow(Sat) and the age group and then Mens Elite Sun 6.30 -1530, hope to see you there. The races are live opn BBC 2 1200-1500 Sun.
  • Geoff, both groupsets are of equal quality but use different shifting methods. If you are used to Shimano then you'd probably fair better with the Ultegra which is a very good offering and second to Dura ace only in terms of weight.

    The SRAM shifting (called power tap I think) is a little different and uses the same lever for up and down shifts depending on the amount of clicks you input. I've never used it, I think Lee Holmes may run an SRAM groupset so he may be able to offer insight.

    Both very good systems though and I'm sure you'll be very happy with either if you are upgrading Geoff.
  • Tim thanks for the pitch, as good as it sounds I don't think my standard of bike skills could do justice to Dura Ace yet. Pete your notes were very useful thanks a lot
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