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Folks interested in Racing - 2009

edited January 2009 in Road Racing
In case you don't know I am the 'racing coordinator' for the club, and last year I put together a list of racers & races and tried to ensure people knew who was doing what. I also tried to keep the rest of the club up to date with race reports & results.
I am going to try and do the same again this year, hopefully with better results due to a website that we can use & post info on.
I have a list of people that showed an interest in racing last year and have contacted them again via email. But I know there are new members who are interested in racing, but I don't have your contact details. If you are interested in racing can you please email me at trahern@ccashwell.com and I can add you to my racing list.
If you are not sure or want to ask any questions again please contact me at the same email address or use this thread
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