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edited October 2011 in General
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Rode the LEO RC 30 mile TT on Saturday on E2/30....never done a 30 before so thought I'd give it a go and establish a club record......very hot especially under aero helmet but only light wind...which makes a change on that course as it can be nearly as slow as our course on a bad day.........
a few panics before I started such as forgetting heart monitor and cream to stop nether regions hurting so much!......Thought I'd try a different approach and try and relax more not get straight in to 11 sprocket...so took it easy going out and knew a it was a fast day as even going out in to wind was good....30 course is same as 25 course except you come off at Fourwentways and rejoin A11 to A505 towards Royston and return at first roundabout..that bit was horrible...nut much traffic going out but loads coming back when you didn't really need it.....almost 3/4 of way there and going great...THEN ..there is a big tailback on A11 and my first thoughts were OH **** there must have been a crash and event will be cancelled.After stopping a bit and weaving and riding on the hard shoulder for a while it eventually started moving again...hard to say how much time lost but no more the a minute...anyway went hell for leather on last bit...SO fast..what fun..was delighted to still clock 1 06' 48'' but still swore I never wanted to do that again...which is what I think after most TT's!.....
SO..I get back to HQ and am looking at results board and feeling quite pleased with myself....Nik Bowlder(of HUGE chain ring fame)comes in with a 59'16" and Ian Cammish 1 0' 38"...great rides but to be expected..THEN Michael Hutchinson's comes in with

55.39!!!...yes 55.39!!!! plenty of ooohs and aaaghs and jaws dropping to the floor!!...my PB for a 25 is 55'38" he is 1 second slower that me over 30 miles!!.....he was seen wearing an ice vest earlier and using some strange breathing device..no doubt we'll all be doing the same soon....he broke competition record by nearly 2 minutes!! 25 equivalent to 46.22! ..... awesome is used too often these days but he truly is an awesome athlete !!

Time Trialling is a funny game because so much does depend on course,traffic,conditions etc but when I got home feeling distinctly average,I did a bit of number crunching and worked out that I had more or less done the same speeds as my latest PB's for 10 and 25 so I had to be pleased but also that had I not been held up I could of ended up with 3 long 21 minute 10's in a row..in the last 18 months I haven't been to get in to the 21's once!

Anyway it was great to be a small part of an historic day.....

BTW I think club records are..

30----1 06'48"
50----1 54'59".... all held by me..

100--- could be Jim Rees but not sure if he was an Ashwell member
12 ---241.82 miles Jim Rees
24----no one

SO there you are guys...something to aim at..and surely the way some of you are going these won't last long...been so impressed watching some of you progress and am looking forward to next season....well no..I am still getting over this one...quite tired now and am glad it's all over for this year...have had a great season with some road race wins and some PB's..something I didn't think would be happening earlier this year and now look forward to some social rides with you...see you soon.....


  • Might gave a bash at that 24... big gap there!
  • surely the 24 hr right up your street Robbie. go for it.
  • Last club member who held that record at 473 miles for 24hr was Jerry Smith..admittedly set long before he joined CCA..was 51 at the time..Chris can verify ...surely your event though Robbie....perhaps you and Jim can compete for honours...that sort of endurance effort takes a "tough mindset" (euphamism) :-)
  • Agreed.....24 hour has your name all over it Robbie..!
  • Gerry's ride was really good especially as it was 'Old School'...average of 19.7mph...very hard to do...but Robbie the Land's End to John O'Groats ride will be great preparation ...if you could find an event about 3 weeks later..would be ideal...
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