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CCA AGM, Friday 24th April
The CC Ashwell AGM will be on the 24th April, 7.30 at the Parish Rooms Ashwell (next to the museum)
The club is currently rapidly expanding with a whole host of new ventures like the youth section, go-ride, grass track project as well as a strengthening racing section.
We now have a large committee which is dedicated to managing this expansion and making sure that CCA is a club for everyone. The AGM is your chance to meet the committee, find out who we are, what we are trying to do and to tell us what we should be doing!
Please come if you possibly can.
By way of advance warning we will also be asking for the club subs in April. This is earlier than usual but i will briefly explain why we need to do this.
We have to pay a block insurance payment to the CTC in October. We have previously asked for club subs at this time too. This worked fine when the club was much smaller ,but now with a much bigger club it has been taking upto 6 months to collect subs and we have had to effectively pre pay for everyone, hoping they would rejoin.
Of course many have not and the club has lost around £350 this year.
This is obviously a daft situation which is why as the CTC payment will still be in October this year we are asking for subs in April so that when we get to October, we know who to and who not to insure.
Hope this makes sense and that everyone can see how this is one example of how as a committee we are trying to Wrestle the club into a more manageable beast!
See you all on the 24th!
Tim D
The club is currently rapidly expanding with a whole host of new ventures like the youth section, go-ride, grass track project as well as a strengthening racing section.
We now have a large committee which is dedicated to managing this expansion and making sure that CCA is a club for everyone. The AGM is your chance to meet the committee, find out who we are, what we are trying to do and to tell us what we should be doing!
Please come if you possibly can.
By way of advance warning we will also be asking for the club subs in April. This is earlier than usual but i will briefly explain why we need to do this.
We have to pay a block insurance payment to the CTC in October. We have previously asked for club subs at this time too. This worked fine when the club was much smaller ,but now with a much bigger club it has been taking upto 6 months to collect subs and we have had to effectively pre pay for everyone, hoping they would rejoin.
Of course many have not and the club has lost around £350 this year.
This is obviously a daft situation which is why as the CTC payment will still be in October this year we are asking for subs in April so that when we get to October, we know who to and who not to insure.
Hope this makes sense and that everyone can see how this is one example of how as a committee we are trying to Wrestle the club into a more manageable beast!
See you all on the 24th!
Tim D
club constitution / ( re ) election of committee / club funds / club membership and subs / grass track business plan / events calendar for 2009 / website / youth section / club kit / racing
What would you like to talk about ?
Can anyone who wants to be elected to a committee post let Tim Duckett know 7 days before the AGM
Of course you can organise events without being on the committee and more posts can be created if you want to focus on a specific area
A list of committee roles and who is currently doing them will be posted soon on the website
Looking to finish at 10pm so we can have a pint and a chat afterwards at the pub
The club is growing and moving forward
Come along and be part of it
Input or ideas? Contact james@ccashwell.com