Welcome to the forum


edited March 2009 in General
Thank you to all those who have put there names down to help, we are very nearly there with only 2 weeks without anyone. But... we need to make sure there is someone there every week, and it could be a bit daunting for anyone running it on their own.

So, if there is anyone who could spare just one wednesday evening it would be much appreciated.

Remember to have a look at Doodle to see where we are....http://www.doodle.com/ecpaiiebkw8trt9d.

Only 6 or so weeks until we start! The only good reason for not helping out is because you`re riding!!

Tim D.


  • Tim,

    Sorry I haven't been able to sign up, I am still sorting out my work programme for the summer. I can't commit to any dates but will be there when I can. I am happy to push riders off if there (and will struggle to do so if not there!).

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