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Club Run review - 22 March 2009

Bright and breezy enough. Good turnout - 25 or so riders? Middle/Fast group a bit big 16ish. Andy B picked up the Club Run.

Mid/Fast led by Geoff on a pleasant zig-zag course that felt like it was made up from bits of other rides; The Buffet Run?

Wallington, Weston, Clothall, Graveley, Wymondley, Preston, Whitwell, Knebworth, Aston, Benington, Walkern, Cottered, Slip End.

Bit short - the group incurred two punctures - 48 miles at 17mph+


  • thanks for the name Martin....bit lumpy for a buffet though don't you think?......should have gone to Dane End and back through Green end and the windmill for a bigger loop.........thanks to Max for taking the ride on past the Walkern/Bennington break point tho'...I had to be back...the punctures take time out and anyway, dragging you lot around that lumpy course knackered me...I would have slowed you down further.

    good route still I think and a great day
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