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All members: SUBS DUE NOW!!!!!!!!!
Subs are now due.......

Subs this year are £15 for senior, £10 for second claim, £10 for additional family members, £10 for juniors, £5 for youth (not doing thursdays)
Please send cheque or cash to David at the address on the membership section of the website or give to a committee member.
We need to get this money in by 1st May!

Subs this year are £15 for senior, £10 for second claim, £10 for additional family members, £10 for juniors, £5 for youth (not doing thursdays)
Please send cheque or cash to David at the address on the membership section of the website or give to a committee member.
We need to get this money in by 1st May!
In the past, £12 of your subs went to the ctc for 3rd party insurance. After the AGM it was decided that the club would no longer provide this and that people should self insure if they wish to.
We have paid for CTC insurance up until October this year.
We VERY, VERY strongly suggest that you should take out at least 3rd party insurance. This can be arranged with the CTC and other organisations but we recommend BC insurance. There are various levels of cover available, all the details here.
Just read this as I haven't been around for a little while - injured :-(
Will it be ok for me to send a cheque to David tomorrow? Or would you prefer I drive over and drop it off to someone?
will pop over the tuns with cheque tomo.
2 cheques are ready for when you collect the Cougar (subs + bike hire)
Hope that's soon enough
It'll take just a few minutes.
If you havent paid your subs you are not now in the club. If you want to continue to ride with the club please pay your subs immediately. We will be forced to name on the forum those people riding who have not paid their subs.
In view of the large number of non payers we will probably have to introduce a rejoining fee next year.
There has to come a point whereby if you havent paid you really cannot ride with the club.
think it's Nov.......if so please remember people you will need insurance to ride with the club...3rd party at least....british cycling has the best and most comprehensive range of deals IMOP......this was the deal guys when club membership was reduced.
please let Tim, our club sec. know you are insured.
Are all riders currently riding in various rides now fully paid up and has everyone taken note of the need to get their own insurance?
I hope there are no name and shame riders still out there......everyone seems to be having a ball judging by this forum.
If we are all clear now perhaps this reminder could come off the forum as it isn't a good advert.