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Polar or Garmin

edited April 2012 in General

One for the those who love analyzing data.

I currently have cateye strada bike computers on each bike and a Polar RS200 HRM that I can swap over. I'm looking to get a combined unit and have been looking at either a Garmin Edge 500 or a 705 (because I can get one cheap) or a Polar CS600x or RS800CX.

I'd be glad of any input on any of these units in terms or reliability and data capture, and what the included software is like.

What limitations of the units and software have you found?

Certainly during the winter I use the turbo a lot and have got a number of sessions I use so I'd like to be able to have the ability to programme these into the unit.

I'd like to be able to activate the next session of a road ride by manual intervention rather than a preset time or distance as it's impossible to know what road conditions are going to be like. For instance, I do most of my Sunday rides at a low HR level but for some of them I intersperse with higher intensity efforts of varying lengths but there are no set times or distances, just when I feel like it and the stretch of road is quiet enough.

I'm not bothered about the route mapping features as there's only ever been 1 occasion in over 25 years when I've needed it.

Over to you.

Thanks in advance,



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