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Has anybody got a tandem?

edited April 2012 in General
I was wondering if anybody is suitably equipped to do a huge favour for a few friends and I. It is are final year of secondary school which, of course, means it's time to think of an ingenious way to turn up at our forthcoming leavers ball/prom. Myself and three other friends have had the idea of arriving on tandems. We have managed to get hold of one (from a family friend) but were wondering if anybody had a second that they would be happy to lend us; we are yet to figure out how to get 4 of us onto a single bike.

We would be wanting to ride a full 200m up the school's drive on the night of the 29th June. It would then be in the safe hands of our parents to return home so we guarantee nothing untoward would happen to your machine. We would be happy to come to yours to pick up/drop off and could do this at any time that is suited to you in the week before/after, or on that evening, or whatever suits you best. As our garage is only just long enough to fit a standard bike, we would keep it inside the house while we had it - it would be as safe as can be.

Can anybody help us, it would be hugely appreciated? Thanks.


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