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Which ride?

edited May 2012 in Club runs

I am Steve, an old man from Wrestlingworth :)

I would like to join the club in the near future, but just want to make sure there is a ride I will be able to join in with on Sundays (unable to make Saturdays as have to take my son to his classes).

I have only been riding for the last month, never ridden in a group, etc. Currently I am getting out 3 times a week around Wrestlingworth, doing between 20-25 miles each time. Been logging my rides in Strava (http://app.strava.com/athletes/387650), it reckons I am averaging about 16mph.

Cheers in advance


  • Hi Steve

    I'd say you'd be fine on the Sunday Club Run at 9.00am, Three Tuns, Ashwell. They go a little further but not really any faster as an average speed. Given the protection from the elements provided by riding in a group, it shouldn't be anything you can't bridge.

    There's tonnes of advice on riding in a group. In a nutshell though - I'd suggest;
    - introducing yourself to the group before the start so everyone knows to protect and watch out for you
    - stay off the front if you're unsure of your stamina
    - stay alert for the very simple voice and hand instructions from people upfront - like "Car ahead!"
    - probably best staying away from the very back of the group [in case you come away from the group and no one notices, and less benefit from the wind protection].

    Finally, stay close to the rider in front of you [use the others around you as a guide] but crucially - never 'half wheel' - where your front wheel is anything ahead of the rider's rear wheel in front of you. Obviously, the rider in front may not know you're there. Similarly, try and avoid slamming the anchors on - so the rider behind doesn't have to half-wheel you. Try and relax your way around.

    And - enjoy it and chat to everyone.

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