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Dragon Ride this Sunday (10th June)
Anyone doing this one? http://www.wiggledragonride.com/
It's in South Wales and supposed to be ideal training for the Etape - Gran Fondo is 128 miles with 3350m ascent
A friend of a friend has just pulled out ... and I'm almost tempted to have a crack at the Medio, except that I don't have transport. Maybe next year?
It's in South Wales and supposed to be ideal training for the Etape - Gran Fondo is 128 miles with 3350m ascent
A friend of a friend has just pulled out ... and I'm almost tempted to have a crack at the Medio, except that I don't have transport. Maybe next year?
If you thought that the hills on the Chiltern 100 were big though.............
The thing is the first 2/3rds isn't dissimilar to Chiltern Hundred. It's just the final 1/3 that consists of 2 rather large hills (some might say, 'mountains')
Next year then
This is a great route. 'Hill', 'Mountain'; it's all a question of definition. Don't worry about that, simply do the ride as it is a great route. Dont cheat yourself by doing the Medio version, go for the full monty. Transport is easy, simply get the train to Brigdend on Saturday afternoon, stay over in some B&B/Motel and ride or get a taxi to the HQ for an early doors start.
Its a great route with a big event feel. Enjoy.