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Saturday 16th June 9.30am ride

edited June 2012 in Club runs
Hello all,

I'm on family visiting duties, so won't be out tomorrow.

Was thinking of doing this route though if somebody would like to 'direct' it !! (hope the link works as mapmyride has been updated again!!)


Have a good one,




  • I'm happy to try and get us lost as this route comes to my neck of the woods!!
    Strong south west wind tomorrow so will be a slog back to Ashwell!!
  • Susan, Amanda - will you be heading out on a slower ride?
  • Yes, I think we will, I need a warm up for London to Brighton! If anyone would like to sponsor me in aid of the British Heart Foundation, I'm happy to have RFM (real folding money) thrust at me in the morning. Thank you. Susan
  • Cheers Tom, I'll try to order a tailwind for the way out and the way back :)


  • That was some monster headwind on the way back. Don't worry about calling air-sea rescue now as I made it back about 12:30 in the end. Last I saw of those remaining on the ride was as they disappeared into the distance at Bassingbourn. I was happy to be left, as I didn't want to slow others down, but a "cheerio" and directions home would have been a bonus as I missed a turn in Steeple and only realised as a receeding Ashwell church appeared on my right! Are all club runs this brutal? I think I need a course of EPO & steroids before I try again in a couple of weeks! Can't resist the suffering - so see you then.
  • I know what you mean Peter as I was the chap that waved you all goodbye in Fowlmere. Then just up the road in the village I bumped into another couple of Cambridge cycling friends who were heading for shelter at the Teacake Tea Shop in Shepreth .. very nice it was too. After charging my batteries there with a pot of Earl Grey and a Chocolate Tiffin, I again headed into the wind to Royston and the shelter of home. Whoever invented wind could not have been a cyclist... On a more serious note and for obvious reasons, I really did enjoy the Ashwell to Whittlesford section of the ride! See you on the road.
  • Peter & John - sorry to hear about your experience of the Saturday ride - sounds like it was a one-off as I've been out on lots of Saturday runs and brutal would be the last word I'd use to describe them. The main watchword for the Saturday run is to make sure nobody gets left behind and everyone enjoys themselves.

    Give it another try and I'm sure you'll see the usual Saturday run spirit restored.

    Andrew R
  • Andrew,

    Thank you for your concerns, but please don't get this out of context, it was really no problem at all - not for me anyway. I was only joking in my blog. In fact, the group kindly and politely waited for me and I happily suggested they went on.
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