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Black Pig sails Sunday 9 Sept @ 9.30am

edited September 2012 in Club runs
Ahoy me hearties,
Time for another jaunt into the countryside,
last weeks crew was an admirable crew, hail and hearty, smoothly carrying the Black Pig majestically across the miles,
more of the same this week, maybe taking in a look at the new fangled flying machines taking to the skies around Duxford.
Same ruling as last week, 5 minutes rotating on the front, giving all the crew a chance to bid good morning to each other.
Voyage duration to be the normal 50 miles (+ - ) at a steady 17mph ish, nobody to be keelhauled, cast adrift or left to suffer,
See you all at the home berth of the Three Tuns, Ashwell high street @ 9.30, departure will not be delayed, so don't be late.

Cut Throat Jake
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