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CC Ashwell AGM - Friday 27th June - Please attend
Geoff tells me the club's AGM will be on Friday evening, 27th June. All members and views welcome, I'm sure.
It will be at the Parish rooms in Ashwell, next to the Ashwell Museum, off Swan Street.
It will be at the Parish rooms in Ashwell, next to the Ashwell Museum, off Swan Street.
With over 90 members we need a little more structure and some of us desparately need a bit more help please.
We have moved a long way since last years AGM and the decision to start a youth section is coming together nicely. teething problems, but finances all in place and volunteers to run and assist are forthcoming. Because of the requirements for CRB clearance and Go-Ride compliance it has been decided to run the CCA Youth Section as an autonomous section within CCA thus leaving the main club to be less formal as it has always been. Full report at AGM.
The web site/Club rides/racing activities/club kit/insurance/club accounts/does CCA need an official Chairman? all are agenda items...........If there is anything you want added or have raised at the meeting please add it here or e-mail me.
Does anyone want to lighten the load on the following.........Time Trials main organiser......Social sec.,,i.e. Xmas dinner/BBQ/Film night/Other??? or perhaps individuals would like to volunteer for each......Assist with Club Kit........Assist with Club Membership........Understudy John as treasurer........
Anyone for membership??
This should mean that we only have about one and a half hours meeting!
If anyone is interested in youth matters we aim to have a short meeting before hand, starting at 8.00pm to get the finances and other matters addressed.
Richard M.