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Youth Road (Circuit) Racing

edited April 2009 in Youth
The Maynard family have been youth road racing since March 2008 and have found the experience, to say the least, addictive!

I have had chats with a number of parents who have expressed an interest in taking their offspring to these meetings and to this end I have set down below the next couple of months that are in our 'provisional' calendar.

I am not an expert on Youth racing and we've experienced a steep learning curve along the way. However I'm glad to impart what little knowledge I have into this world and I think I'll be able to answer some questions. Examples of which I've shown below, (none of them I would have known the basis for, never mind the answer to, before last year!) : -

1. What is a gear limit, what is the limit for my child, how do I achieve this?
2. How do I find out which events are on, where they are, what time does my child race?
3. What do I do when I get to the meet, where do I go, what's involved in signing on, do I need a British Cycling licence, where do I stick the number, where do I stand immediately prior to the start?
4. What happens if I'm last/lapped/shouted at by another rider. How do I know when the race has finished?
5. What happens after the race, what are natioanl ranking points?
6. How does the BC website work, what can it tell me, how can I look up the race results?

Here are our target dates for the next few weeks: -

2/5/09 - 13.00hrs - Hogg Hill
4/5/09 - 12.00hrs - Ixworth Criteriums (we had a really good family day out last year!)
9/5/09 - 13.00hrs - Hogg Hill (Joshua at Hillingdon, Twins at Hogg Hill)
17/5/09 - 10.00hrs - Hogg Hill (this clashes with the CC Ashwell Primavera)
23/5/09 - 10.00hrs - Hogg Hill

If you want to join us, discuss the questions I've posed or generally talk about youth racing (repeat I'm not an expert!), please contact via e-mail : richard@ccashwell.com

Finally I'd like to point out that I'm not a qualified coach or mechanic and any infomation discussed is from the point of view of a keen parent-!


  • Just a quick update.

    We're not going to Hogg Hill tomorrow but will be recommencing some road racing after the kids half term break.

    I'm surprised there's been little response to this. I'm happy to put a pdf doc. on the web site answering the above questions if anybody has an interest.

    I'll be posting our new dates soon!!

  • The Next Update

    Team Maynard will be going to Hillingdon on 5/9/09, from memory the race starts at 13.00hrs and lasts half an hour. I will confirm this later as I can't access the BC website at work. It's been black listed due to too many visits!

    If any youth members wish to try road racing then this is an ideal first race. I can advise on gearing and 'entry on the day' procedures if required.
  • We are still planning to go to Hillingdon on 5/9/09.

    If anyone needs help with gearing or what to do when you get there, please don't leave it to the day itself.

    There aren't many events posted on the BC website at the moment but they are coming and will be there soon. We will be going to Hillingdon and Hogg Hill more and more as the track season winds down.

    Watch this space!
  • We are planning on the 5th and yes - we will need some help setting up!! More chalk on the patio I think...

    Are we still going to try to run a final mechanic/set up evening at Go Ride on 3rd? If so, I will come beforehand to you to get acquainted and add some assistance that evening.

  • Theo and I will be there (I dare say I will have difficulties entering the event myself). Daniel
  • I can't make this meeting now as I've been told I have to work nights that weekend. I might just scrape the racing but will look like a zombie.

    Alison will be taking the Maynard children. If anyone needs help/advice on gearing please contact me i plenty of time as work is now taking over with long days and night shifts.

  • For those whose children are racing here is the location...link http://www.hillingdoncyclecircuit.org.uk/ click on their location button..good clear directions

    You need to be there by 12.30 at the latest...racing starts at 1.00pm.........I would suggest being there for 12 noon as you need to allow for learning curve.

    Bring your British Cycling Race licences.....bring food and drink...something warm and something in case it rains.

    Park in the Sports Hall area on the right in Springfield road before the track.

    Good luck everyone

    see you tomorrow

  • Geoff,

    Thanks for this. I intend being there tomorrow from 12.00hrs onwards. However I'm at work and won't finish till 6am. We'll see what the night brings!!
  • I'm sure that everyone will agree that this was a great first full club outing to a road race meeting. The following club members took part:-
    U16 -
    Andrew Leverton (finished the race and was catching the bunch at the end)
    Joshua Maynard (2nd claim member, tatical error at the end saw him go from first to 7th)

    Joe Page - (worked well with Cameron to pick up places during the race)
    Cameron - (as above, first road race as well as Joe)
    Theo Doncaster - (was in the bunch but had two more mechanicals, no comments about the mechanic)

    Andrew Fowler - (first race and a finish, hung in well)
    Harriott Page - (first race and a great effort)
    Daniel Maynard - (didn't hear the horn)
    Rebecca Maynard - (great work in her group but did too much work on the front)

    Daisy Laughton (a great first race and went well considering she was on her own for a lot of the race)

    As Carmelo would say each race is a learning opportunity. I think everyone has learnt including me.
    1.This wasn't the usual slick booking on process we've become used to at Hillingdon, it's usually a bit quicker than this.
    2. Don't eat just before a race, you'll be sick.
    3. Set your bike up before you get there including checking gearing, tyre pressures and personal safety clothing.
    4. Youth races always set off very quickly and then settle down.

    The next Hillingdon meeting I am planning to go to is on 3/10/09, I'll post race times later.
    There is a chance that some of the family will race at Hogg Hill on 27/9/09, again I'll let everyone know what my intentions are.

    Sorry if I've missed anyone out, or if you don't agree with my comments. Has anyone got any good photographs they can send me.

  • One extra thought,

    I have learnt from both Mildenhall and Hillingdon that at the pressure moments, starts and gear checking afterwards, it's very difficult to keep an eye on each child with obvious consequences. I would like to discuss this with the parents, as at Hillingdon it would be helpful if someone could record the numbers of the children before the finish. We can then gat the list from the commissaire and let our children know that they are required for a check. The following children were gear checked and I'm not sure that all the parents were aware of the procedure.

    Daisy, Hariott, Andrew P., Daniel

  • Thanks Richard. Enjoyed the race as did the kids I talked to.

    Well done to Dan and Geoff for their adult race - somehow Dan got an advantage on Theo with a team of Rapha Condor mechanics. Not sure what happened there!!
  • Results for last Saturday are here: -

  • There are now some pictures of the action at Mildenhall on the club website;


    Or access it from the home page news.

    Well done all!
  • I'll be taking my children to the following events: -

    Sun. 27/9/09 Hogg Hill - Racing starts at 13.15hrs. I'll be leaving at 11.45hrs
    Sat. 3/10/09 Hillingdon - Racing starts at 13.15hrs. I'll be leaving at 11.45hrs

    Join us if you can. If you need directions or help with gearing drop me a line on richard@ccashwell.com

  • We can't make the 27th but Theo and I will be there for the 3rd. I will certainly be representing the CC Ashwell Youth Section over 23 division in the Cat 4 race after the Youth event, and am guessing Geoff will too. This circuit racing is a laugh (and I have been on harder club runs). Let's face it, if I can do it you can too! Give it a go.
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