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edited October 2012 in General
Have noticed increasingly in races riders not involved in the race coming the other way and not being very helpful.

From a legal point of view the Race is only supposed to take up the half of the road it is travelling in but at certain points this is overlooked if it is safe or at a finish etc.

If you are out for a ride and see a lead car with lights on saying CYCLE RACE APPROACHING could you please help out by just pulling over for a few seconds to let the race through.

This is what I was always taught...It is not a rule just a courtesy to our fellow riders.

It is very difficult dealing with traffic,horses etc in a race at speed as it is but to have to deal with our own as well seems unreasonable...

lately have even had riders tell the race to get out of the f.....g way..sometimes riding 3 abreast ,chatting away completely oblivious to the fact that a bike race with as many as 80 riders going at over 30 mph is coming towards them.

Thank you


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