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Intro/basic run 3rd November

edited October 2012 in Club runs
I am down to take the basic/intro ride this Saturday 3rd November. I am proposing a steady run to Barkway and maybe on to Anstey, in total about 27miles, but it can be extended or shortened depending on how we feel.
Anybody wanting an easy ride come and join.


  • Thanks for this George. We have plenty of folks asking for this sort of ride so nows your chance people.

    Hope the weather is good and you get plenty of takers.
  • Well done George - hope you get a good turn out....
  • Have a lovely ride, I won't see you this week as I am away for half term. See you next week!
  • I'm hoping to make it tomorrow.
  • I'll be joining you as I'll be out on my fixed gear and not yet fit enough for any other rides.

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