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roads around ashwell..

edited April 2009 in General
sure you're probably aware that they "resurfaced" some of the roads around ashwell yesterday or today. came down the road from hinxworth and down loves lane to ashwell end this evening on the bike and the roads are truly awful and very dangerous. the hinxworth road isnt too bad generally, but there are some bits where they have left large lumps of tarmac covered in gravel or large piles of gravel that are hard to spot. the loves lane / ashwell end roads are appaling... large potholes untreated that have filled with gravel so are hard to spot. lots of loose gravel. the sides of the road are untreated so with the additional tarmac and gravel on the main carriageway the drop into the side potholes is even deeper than before. so be warned and take care.
whoever at the county council or contractor cut corners to this degree ought to be ashamed...


  • The Council have also resurfaced the road from Weston to Halls Green (believe its part of the Greenway route or whatever they call it). it to is a joke. What used to be a terrific stretch of road for some adrenaline fuelled speed has now been ruined. each corner has more loose gravel on than the yard of Ryall's building suppliers!!! Some corners felt like I was pedalling on a beach!! They too have 'papered' over the pot holes!?!

    Beware speedsters!!!
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