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Strava CCA Club section

edited December 2012 in General
I couldn't see there was a CCA club section on Strava so was going to add one, then in doing so found there was a hidden one. It doesn't appear on the main club list, even when searching just cycle clubs and Hertfordshire.

I don't know who has set this up, so can i query:

Can we get it onto the search pages?
Can we add a logo, web link and some text about the club to make it a bit more prominent? This might be holding it back from being on the search pages.

Then any other CCA members on Strava can join up if they want.

My initial thoughts were it's a good advert for the club, in promoting club runs rides if they are recorded. That's what other clubs are doing.


  • edited December 2012
    Cheers Chris

    You're one step ahead of me. It looks like that Club was set up by Geoff118 - always ahead of the game! I'd like to suggest we have an official club one - so the Club committee can manage it effectively. To this need, I've set up another one; 'CC Ashwell'


    I'd suggest everyone used this one instead. It looks like Strava has a rubbish search - so best just clicking on this link. I'll put the link on the Club's home page too.

    If anyone sets up any kind of online account in the Club name - best get it done through the committee - email info@ccashwell.com
    So, please, no unofficial Twitters, YouTubes, Facebook etc accounts - so we can manage the club's online presence best.

  • I use the Strava site, can anyone tell me if I can link ?
  • What do you mean Nigel? Link to where or from what?
  • Well I use Strava already, is that all I need to do ? maybe follow some more club members...
  • Looks interesting and I found a simple way to get my Garmin Connect data on there

    Would suggest we think about security settings as bike thieves use the internet to pick their targets - on another forum the suggestion is

    -remove your full name (under settings)
    -simplify bike description eg ‘road’
    -anonymise location (under privacy)

  • looks like martin is suggesting you reapply Nige on the site he has set up as it is now part of the cca forum so to speak....makes it easier for him to overview CCA input......think that is what he meant.
  • Don't start your garmin until you leave the town you live in - that's what I do, anyway
  • Also possible to edit and 'crop' the ride under "Actions"
  • edited December 2012
    I have joined this, although not a club member hoping it will give me the motivation to come along to some club runs....by that I mean the motivation to try and convince the Mrs (again) me disappearing for a few hours on the weekend is a good idea.
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