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Intro/basic run 8th December

edited December 2012 in Club runs
Looks like it won't be too windy for me tomorrow, so if anyone wants to join me for 20-30 miles I'd love some company. Susan


  • I am looking out the window right now slightly annoyed that I did not make it out this morning after slightky too much to drink at the works xmas bash. Hopefully will have learnt a lesson for next week.
  • Jane and I left the fast ones to their fate and set off Old Warden way. Beautiful sunny weather and stunning winter trees made for a very scenic ride. We even went off piste to use the cycle track from Blunham to Sandy to cross that pesky A1 safely. I think we must have clocked 38 miles on the actual ride (subtracting the distance it took to get to Ashwell) at 13.5mph. Thanks, Jane, for a lovely morning (I did my 50 in the end!) and Pete, don't worry, Christmas bashes come but once a year and we are out (most) Saturdays, but this would have been a good one not to miss! See you all next week which will be my last one for the year.
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