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War On Britain's Roads

edited December 2012 in General
Did anybody else manage to catch this? Very interesting and eye-opening views, especially from the 70 year old cab driver and the lorry driver... Well worth a watch (if you can stand the slightly scary footage of close calls on london's streets, especially the courier racing - idiots).

The mother who's daughter was killed by a left turning cement lorry's story is pretty harrowing. Absolutely amazing way to deal with the situation, though.


  • edited December 2012
    The link doesn't seem to want to come up, anyway, for copy and paste: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01p7q2l/War_on_Britains_Roads/
  • I did manage to watch it, I've been driving now for 23 years and HGV, class 1 for 17 years, I've ridden motorbikes on the road for a number of years too, at the moment I can of been on the road with 3 modes of transport in a single day....... I drive to work in my car where I then spend up to 12hrs on the roads driving a truck, I then drive home in my car and then go out for a bike ride, anything from 20-50 miles..... The point I'm trying to make is that I have many views from a varying road position !!!! The were some very silly bike riders as well as car drivers, taxi drivers and truck drivers, the programme was a bit of an eye opener for people with a "tunnelled vision" point of view !!!! The important fact is that, generally when a cyclist comes together with a car or truck the outcome for the cyclist is not good, I do think that the guy at the start that had the confrontation with the cab driver was in the right to some degree but I felt that he was out to start exactly that, confrontation !!!! I think the fella that was recording things and handing out cards had a better approach to things, the problem you have is everybody gets tard with the same brush, sadly !!! A friend of mine said that his wife sat behind a group of cyclist riding 3 a breast at around 15 mph, she was unable to pass as there was a lot of oncoming traffic, they made NO attempt to move into single file, she was very annoyed with the cyclists, and I think with good reason, common sense alone surely should say to these people when there is a line of traffic behind then move into single file as soon as possible......people like that do not help the cyclists cause !!! As I said, tarred with the same brush.
  • That is very well said Nigel and very sensible comments from someone with experience from each side.

    I couldnt bring myself to watch the documentary but have been following comments on LFGSS and in the press. There are always going to be haters out there and sure some of them are dangerous but we have to make sure we are taking the moral high ground by always following the rules of the road, not jumping red lights etc and being polite. When we are riding in groups we have to be disciplined, highly organised, confident but not aggressive. Thats the only way we can get some respect. This is of course even more important when we wear club kit with our website othe back.

    Ive lost count of the times that people say to me " oh your not in one of those clubs that rides 4 abreast and block the road are you"

    Discipline, confidence and awareness folks.
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