Welcome to the forum


edited May 2009 in Youth
the new season of activities is about to begin. CCA hope everyone who helps or participates in sessions enjoys the experience.
This year promises to be very exciting with a great increase in members and planned events which the club will attend as a group.

here is the first administrative message to take on board.

Parents of Children Attending Go-Ride Sessions on the Rec. on 7/5/09 onwards.

We are expecting a large number of children of all abilities this year.
Last years successful sessions have fostered a growing interest in our Go-Ride activities and we are all excited at the prospect.

All participants will need to become a member of CCAshwell youth section and ALL parents and children will need to have signed parental consent forms.
Please visit http://www.ccashwell.com/ and click membership for the form then click youth for the consent forms

We had administrative and organizational hurdles to overcome last year.
One very time consuming and fragmented activity was collecting the subs from each individual..
To overcome this and free up coaches time we have decided to ask for subs for the year in advance. This year's sessions will be charged on a one off levy basis.
Early payment before the end of May will get you a £5 reduction.

Membership is £5
Subs for all Summer and Winter sessions, all coaching and training advice and the free use of CCA track bikes is £45…or £40 if paid early.

The £5 Annual membership of the youth section for 2009 is now due. Please see the membership section of the website for details of how to join.

The money will cover each Thursday Evening Session and Mountain Biking and Road Rides in the Autumn, Winter and Spring.

Remember…subs after the 31/5/09 will be charged at £45.

Important Notice…..NEW Members can come FREE for the first session to see if they want to join.
The children in Go-Ride activities within risk assessed grounds and under British Cycling Qualified Coaches are insured. But for the purpose of individual insurance when racing or road riding, each child will need to join British Cycling as a Silver Member.
This is free in the first year for those children who have joined a club.
We will require proof of membership as this will then mean that individuals have third party insurance. (I suggest that everybody applies for a race licence at the same time, as this is also free in the first year and will cut costs at race meetings)

Here is the link to the form.

It can be completed online if you visit the B.C. site:

If you could arrive on Thursday with as much of the paperwork completed this will make the process a lot smoother.

For week ONE can we suggest you concentrate on membership and subs.
British Cycling insurance and race licences will take longer to arrange.

If you have any questions please contact Richard or Geoff, e-mail address are on
the website.

start at 5.30 pm Thursday 7th May.......first half hour will probably be spent in sorting groups, helpers and paperwork.
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