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Club 10, 6.5.09

edited May 2009 in Time Trial
Hi, Results for the first 10 as follows,

1. Angus Wilson 24.57
2. Josh Maynard 27.04
3. David Ledgerton 27.12
4. Mark Horton 27.33
5. Tim Skelding 29.11
6. David Jones 29.55
7. David Jones 32.20 (Memb. sec.)
8. Stephen Foubister 32.23
9. Nathalie Auger 34.09
10. Rebecca Maynard 39.10
11. John Horton DNF puncture

Well done to all, it was a very windy night and a little chilly too. Some very respectable times considering the conditions.(Rebecca rightly chuffed to get under 40 mins) Thanks to Andrew for pushing off and Trahern for marshalling (a welcome suprise for those approaching the crossroads). Also thanks to Sam Shephard for moving the sleepers on the concrete pad.

I was quite pleased to see 11 riders on the first night, good to see plenty of saturday riders there. Hopefully a few more will have a go maybe even some nasties?


  • Well done to Josh as well, that's a great time considering the conditions! you'll be sub 25 next week!!!
  • edited May 2009
    So far it looks as though I'm the only volunteer for Wednesday 13th May.

    So if someone else could help on the night it would be much appreciated, particularly as I haven't done it before.

    Just go to: http://www.doodle.com/ecpaiiebkw8trt9d

    I completed my timekeeper's training course Wednesday evening this week!

    Thanks in anticipation………

  • John,
    I `ll come out and help you get started, ill do pushing off if no one else is around. Cant hang around for the finish but thats the easy bit.
  • Tim,

    If you could that would be good - you could push off around 7.15pm - as it would be no problem for me after then.

    See you there....have a good weekend......thanks!

  • Hi John,

    I should be able to make tonight after all if you still need some help.

    I will meet you there at 6-45.

    Regards Andy
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