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Sunday 31st 09.30 ride

edited March 2013 in Club runs
Ahoy me hearties
looks like cold but dry
if so will be on
09.30, 3 tuns , 40 ish miles , 16 mph back before 12.30
coffee after for those who like a pirate tale or two



  • Ey Ey Capt'n, I will set sail with you, I make a great deck hand!!
  • all sea lovers welcome
    don't forget the clocks change tonight
    09.30 british SUMMER time
    lets bask in the heat

  • As advertised, 40 miles plain sailing,
    7 crew members basking in the early summer sunshine,
    No crew keelhauled, cast adrift or marooned in unknown waters.
    Back before 12.30 41 miles @ 17
    All crew happy and content after previous inclement weather.
    Bring on the warm and sunny summer.

  • A maiden voyage for a landlubber
    Great fun shipmates
    Don't remember the early summer sunshine
    Hearty thanks for coffee and chat back in port
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