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Learner/Easy Audax for new riders : Anyone Interested ?

edited April 2013 in General
Is anyone in the club just starting out or thinking of trying Audax, and are there any experienced Audax riders who can offer some guidance ?
I have just started riding (last Saturday") and am hoping to try a few short audaxes this summer, but I really haven't a clue what I need to do to prepare.
Is anyone interested in learning along with me (or "coaching" ) ?
I have my eye on :
5th May 53 km Audax UK Ugley
9th June 109 km Audax Uk Hertford
6th July 101km Audax UK Grafham Water, or 168km Audax UK Suffolk


  • I normally do a few audaxes every year so may be able to offer some advice. I am not planning to do these events at the distances you are planning but I will probably enter the event on 9th June but at a longer distance, this starts at Ware and I have been unable to identify the Suffolk audax at 168 k but I could be interested in that.
    I assume that you have been onto the AUK calender website, this gives details of all of the events and how to enter.
    As you probably know these events are not sign posted so you are entirely dependent on the route sheet which they send you, for this reason I like to ensure that I receive these details in advance and I use a map holder if I am not familiar with the route. Only in a few cases do they put the route on line.
    The time allowances are generous so you can pick your own pace and avoid being dragged along by faster riders, you may reel them in at the end.
    Hope this is useful.
  • Thanks George. I have joined Audax UK.
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