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edited May 2013 in Chain gangs
The weather looks truly awful this evening, and for that reason...im out.

Just a quick point about the finishing sprint though. Firstly im not sure a finishing sprint is really necessary on chaingang training, far better to do a 3rd or even 4th lap. However if we must do the finishing sprint can we not do it all the way up the Steeple high Street all across the road. i know of at least 2 people who have seen it and been less than impressed. Its only a matter of time before we get complaints (rightly so really)

So could we make the sprint the Steeple sign, or the top of the hill? would be far safer than the phone box.



  • Despite loving the end of chaingang sprint, I agree with Tim, if we are to sprint at all it should be for the 30 signs before the village
  • Doubt I'd ever be anywhere near the sprint

    Turbo tonight for me aswell, looking at the weather - probably get better quality workout indoors
  • If the sprint is before the 30 sign, then it will also allow people to regroup before turning left for a 3rd/4th lap
  • Agree with Tim, the chain gang should be well disciplined going through any village, and we should always abide by the highway code.
    no sprinting in the village where there are parked cars, pedestrians etc and as Theo says just before the turn which some people will be making for another lap and some wont.

    if there has to be a finishing sprint then the village sign/30 sign before the point the guilden road comes in on the right makes much more sense,
    and coming just after the climb makes it more interesting.

    good luck to anyone venturing out tonight, not as wet as forecast but still a bit slippy... take care, safety first.
  • Was looking forward to tonight after Saturday but weather grim here so have turboed.

    The ''sprint'' which I am never likely to be involved in - is this at the end of the 2nd lap only? Will the group slow a little to allow stragglers to get back on before the turn for the 3rd lap?

  • guys...I like the way the club is becoming ever more competetive...BUT...Tim and Stef are bang on here.
    The chain gang, whether starter/medium or mental is just a disciplined means of gaining a useful skill and training to work together and support a big effort over a long period to better the competition..i.e. other clubs when racing. So what's with this 2nd lap sprint??? It's not a race. It's good, solid training for group discipline and fitness.
    sounds like you are losing site of the key objective here. It's not about whose fastest but how to get the group there together the fastest. If someone is stronger then do some team time trial riding with the stronger doing longer stints on front. It's still though about working and staying together.
    You all clearly want to get better/fitter/faster so do it as team CCA.
  • edited May 2013
    There was talk of a 3rd CG for those with less speed.
    Has this idea been scrubbed?
    I'd like to give it a crack and I don't imagine I'd keep up with a pace of 23+
    I am led to understand you need some tuition before CGing.
  • I am definitely up for a beginners chain gang ride so we can learn the technique at a slower pace. Not sure how many people you need ideally.
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