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Sunday 09.30 ride

edited May 2013 in Club runs
Ahoy me hearties
remember Primavera , see if they need any more marshalls
or 09.30 3 tuns
17 mph, 45- 50 miles back before 13.00
Pugwash mystery route



  • Ahoy Captain.
    Back from sailing around the Spainish Main last weekend and ready for more familiar home waters!
    Would be good to know if heading north or south first, as sailing from Hitchin home port first.
  • East , but with a few hills at the beginning
    Barley, Barkway, Meesden , Chrishall, Fowlmere
    wind behind way back
    Sunshine all the way
    as long as compass works

  • Mountainous seas out East, Cap'n - here be monsters!
    Will see if tonight's revelries in port allow for good sea legs tomorrow.
    Need to avoid Siren's call luring me onto domestic rocks.
    Weather set fair for now, will listen to shipping forecast tonight.

  • Abandon ship!
    Have decided to sail with Nomads Sportive 80 miler today instead.
    Bon voyage!
  • good sailing across some high seas
    45 miles at 16.5 mph, with lots of lumps
    crew worked well with the younger element making it look easy
    even had another crew join ship for a jolly tow

    had a nasty sighting again coming the other way
    a friendly broadside saw him on his way

    same again next week
    probably post a sunday and monday ride if the weather looks ok

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