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09.30 ride Sun 2nd

edited May 2013 in Club runs
Ahoy me Summer hearties
weather looks set for fair sailing
50 miles at 17 mph , back before 13.00
If a captain Bob route will be nice and flat
So plenty of Pimms on Saturday then !



  • Ahoy Cap'n
    Have a summer cold to battle, so will see how the cut of my gib is on Sunday morn.
    Until then will be in the doldrums waiting for a fairer wind to blow and dry out my rigging.

  • Many are planning to be AWOL at the Chiltern 100.
    Suggest you take their names, Sargent at Arms!
  • Any clues from the chart as to which direction the Black Pig sails? Might manage a sally from port if calmer northern waters are expected......not sure what Sally would think of it though!!
  • Captain Bob in charge
    Not in the digital age
    Anything could happen !

  • full crew with all guns manned
    57 miles at 17.6 mph
    great team performance
    glorious sunshine on heavenly seas

    Oh yes !
    this is what it is all about

  • and back to the chimes of Ashwell bells
    spot on 13.00

    bulls eye !
  • Great voyage charted, thanks to Cut-throat Jake and excellent sailing conditions and fellow crew.

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