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Volunteers for Intro Rides

edited June 2013 in General
We need volunteers for these rides for the coming months.

Anyone can take these rides and they will make a pleasant change from your usual club run introducing people to the club and showing them how we ride and suggesting routes is very rewarding

So please volunteer here! Intro Rides

a reminder of what its all about - we run an Intro ride twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Saturday. These are for any riders who want a shorter / steadier version of the club run - approx 15-25 miles at around 12-14 mph ish depending on demand. These rides are ideally suited to newcomers to the club. We need volunteers to turn up and navigate these rides. No rider leader qualifications or experience required, you just need to have a route in mind and adapt to the needs of whoever turns up.


  • Just signed up for one but earliest I could manage was 5th October - summer still looks bereft of navigators..
  • Hi - could we have a volunteer to take this Saturdays intro ride, 3rd august, 09:30
  • Stef
    I'll do it.
  • Great many thanks George
  • Is anyone able to take the intro ride this Saturday 17th please?
    I'm not around so cant unfortunately.
  • When is next intro ride?
  • Hi, the next ride is this Saturday 7th September, 09:30 a.m., usual meeting place Three Tunns car park, High Street, Ashwell
  • Jane will be navigating the intro ride tomorrow, around 20 miles at pace of the slowest rider, or 14 mph ish if all comfortable with that.
    meet 09:30 Three Tunns car park, Ashwell as usual.
    all new comers or anyone who fancies a shorter ride welcome.
  • I am laid low with a cold and high temperature so won't be able to lead the intro ride tomorrow - could someone else please step up.


  • edited October 2013
    No one turned up for the intro ride anyway this morning, so it was no problem. Get well soon....
  • I'm happy to lead the intro ride on Saturday.
  • We've had a lot of interest in intro rides - January resolutions, new bikes for Christmas etc... plus interest will grow again soon when the good weather arrives (spring is only just round the corner) so it would be great to get these rides up and running again.
    So please volunteer for one date and help introduce new riders to the club. If you want to know more go to the top of this thread.
    Volunteer here... I'll do the next couple but volunteers for February onwards much appreciated
  • When is next intro ride?
  • edited January 2014
    Intro rides run 9:30am, the first and third Saturday of each month. At Three Tuns, Ashwell.

    Stef is doing the next one, Sat 18th Jan.
  • could someone volunteer to lead the next two intro rides, this week Sat 15th March, and then Sat 5th April. I cant make either of them.
    Many thanks.
    volunteer here
  • Hi Stef

    I will do this Saturday,

  • Thanks Peter
  • I'm happy to do an intro ride on Saturday 5th April.
  • Hi Susan. I've sent you a whisper.
    Cheers. Tom
  • Tom - whispered back!
  • Anyone available to take an intro ride, this Saturday 21st 9:30 a.m.?
  • We need volunteers for these rides over the coming summer months.

    Anyone can take these rides and they will make a pleasant change from your usual club run introducing people to the club and showing them how we ride and suggesting routes is very rewarding

    So please volunteer here! Intro Rides

    a reminder of what its all about - we run an Intro ride twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Saturday. These are for any riders who want a shorter / steadier version of the club run - approx 15-25 miles at around 12-14 mph ish depending on demand. These rides are ideally suited to newcomers to the club. We need volunteers to turn up and navigate these rides. No rider leader qualifications or experience required, you just need to have a route in mind and adapt to the needs of whoever turns up.
  • Stevie is going to lead this Saturday's ride, 5th July.
  • Thanks Stevie and Mark
  • I'm down to lead an intro ride this Saturday (19th July) so anybody who is interested in a steady ride of about 28 miles I'll see you Saturday.
  • Anyone available to take this Saturday's intro ride?
  • Andrew R are you still navigating an intro ride on 5th October? I have a couple of people who might be interested in venturing out with you if that's the case?
  • Gwen

    Delighted to but the doodle poll that I can see is nearly empty with only George's ride in July on it.

    I have put the ride in my diary so will be there anyway.


  • Just to clarify as ive had a couple of people asking about the Saturday intro ride, are we talking about Saturday 4th Oct? Gwen says 5th Oct above.

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