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Biggleswade Sports Grass Track Meeting, 13/07/13 - enter now!

edited June 2013 in Grass Track
Youth riders and their parents please note: the Biggleswade grass track meeting takes place on Saturday 13th July. The organiser is Max Pendleton and the event will be very similar to the CC Ashwell grass track events that he has promoted for us at our own field.

Online entry is not possible, so those who want to pay the standard entry fee need to enter by post quickly or pay a higher fee on the day itself. Entering in advance also allows the organiser to plan the event better (and usually results in more prizes too).

Event details here

Entry form here

Great progress has been made at our Thursday evening grass track coaching sessions, and the Biggleswade event is a perfect local place to put all that training into practice.

If you have any questions about the event, whether it is suitable for you, how to enter, etc. just ask one of the coaches or post/whisper a message here.

Mark F


  • Thanks Mark. Our entries were dropped in the post this morning (Friday), though I followed it up with an email to Max (just to let him know they’re on their way in case they get delayed).

    As you say, the British Cycling website states entries close tomorrow, Sat 29th June, and although Max would prefer to receive entries tomorrow, he’d asked for me to let people know that he’d be willing to receive entries in person at next Thursday’s grass track training session if anyone can’t post their forms to him over the weekend, and wanted to hand their entry (and cheques) to him then.

    Steve L
  • How much is the event for Youth B??
    (just doing form now!)
  • Gareth - all youth entries incl U14 (Youth B) are:-

    Postal: £8.00
    On Day: £12.00

    i.e. see https://www.britishcycling.org.uk/events/details/83636/Biggleswade-Sports-Grass-Track-Meeting#entry

    Mark F
  • We are in but have only just put in the post. Max is OK with that I think

  • edited July 2013
    Bumping this back up to the top.

    I think Max will be at tomorrow evening's coaching session so that's an ideal opportunity to give him your entry form - last chance probably, otherwise it's enter-on-the-line at greater cost.

    Any questions - just ask one of the coaches or whisper a message on the forum.

    Mark F
  • Well reminded. Hope Max is there tonight!
  • Hi TIm - have just whispered you a message re: tomorrow's racing.

    Steve L
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